The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is developing a new Illinois Aviation System Plan (IASP) and updating the 2012 Economic Impact Analysis (EIA). The IASP and EIA are intended to provide information and data that are necessary to assist the Department in program management while keeping overall funding and project development decisions in mind. Both plans will be important tools IDOT will use to provide critical information for the state’s distribution of state and federal funding to all system airports.
A core purpose of the IASP is to establish goals and provide measurable actions to achieve each goal. IDOT has identified five goals from the Illinois Long Range Transportation Plan that will align the aviation plan to the state’s overall transportation system. These goals will be carried forward throughout the development of the IASP, they are:

Improve Illinois’ economy by providing transportation infrastructure that supports the efficient movement of people and goods.

Enhance the quality of life across the state by ensuring that transportation investments advance local goals, provide multimodal options, and preserve the environment.

Support all modes of transportation to improve accessibility and safety by improving connections between all modes of transportation.

Proactively assess, plan, and invest in the state’s transportation system to ensure our infrastructure is prepared to sustain and recover from extreme events and other disruptions.

Safeguard existing funding and increase revenues to support system maintenance, modernization, and strategic growth of Illinois’ transportation system.
Project Purpose
The purpose of the IASP is to evaluate the performance and interaction of Illinois airports to understand their interrelationship and to identify the overall state airport system needs. The IASP is intended to identify facility needs and compare existing IDOT funding structure to help guide decisions, evaluate policy changes, and educate those who oversee the system, including local, state and federal policy makers.
The EIA is initiated to evaluate economic importance of all Illinois airports and provide IDOT with the latest available information on the impact of the state’s aviation industry in addition to informing strategic planning and funding decisions. The EIA is a tool to communicate the importance of Illinois’ airports to validate continued public investment. Direct and multiplier (indirect and induced) impacts will be developed resulting in the total economic impacts for aviation in Illinois.
BJ Murray
IDOT Section Chief, Aviation
& Marine Transportation Program Planning
217.782.4118 | BJ.Murray@illinois.gov
Zach DeVeau, AICP
Kimley-Horn Project Manager
850.553.3530 | Zach.DeVeau@kimley-horn.com